From your heart....

Dear Abrianna,
Or should I say Abi what do you really go bye????
Your mom and Dad named you Abrianna???
Why are you not taking risks?
You are living so carefully.
It is ok not to love. You will have time for all that.
Right now be ok with yourself and being a lone wolf.
Go to a movie alone.
You won't be able to for very long.
Your heart

Dear Heart,
 I want to go by Abrianna trust me I do. It just hard to switch when everyone at the school knows me my Abi.
It will change when I go to college. I promise.
With the other things I am trying.
I am getting closer.

P.S. Can you be a little more softer. It is ok to cry when your hurt.

Dear Abrianna,
 I have to stay hard it keeps you and me both safe.
 From your heart

Here is the thing with doing that you get so hurt. You keep it all inside and then you BLOW UP .
We can't do that .
It is not fair to are family and the people that actually care about you. It is just not fair.
Sincerly out of love Abrianna


  1. Love this idea. It is a beautiful understanding between you and your heart.

  2. this is a beautiful idea. Instead of just a letter from your heart, you turned it into a conversation. And I like the stuff about your name. Very cool.

  3. it's ok to be a lone wolf. we can be lone wolves together lol. very good Abi, I really liked this conversation with your heart. I think we all need to do that every once in a while.

  4. i read this whole thing it was good

  5. "It keeps you and me both safe" love this

  6. thanks for sharing abi, maybe i need to take a listen to what my heart is saying just like you did.

  7. This is seriously an amazing post. So truthful and real. Funny but also serious. I love it and thank you for being you and being willing to share you.

  8. #lonewolf yeah that is so okay to go spend time with yourself. Couldn't have said it better myself.

  9. Abi, I will call you Abrianna if you want me to. Good post


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